Saturday, January 26, 2008

La belleza es tomar algo en las manos y dejar que se vaya después. Uno no se puede aferrar al mar y a la sonrisa de los amigos que se van lejos.

Banana Yoshimoto, Amrita
art by Audrey Kawasaki

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I knew him as a gentle young man
I cannot say for sure the reasons for his decline
We watched him fade before our very eyes
And years before his time

Surrounded himself with shiny things
First night tickets, ermine, pearls upon a string
And disappeared in all the pestilence
that sudden pleasure brings

The Triffids, Tender Is The Night
and heath ledger as joker

i'm sorry

Saturday, January 19, 2008

art by ana mendieta in memoriam ana maría

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Levantó su cabeza rígida de entre las hojas y la sostuvo o trató de sostener lo que no puede ser sostenido, lo que ya corría por las montañas, a la vez terrible y de una inmensa belleza, como las flores que se alimentan de carne.

Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing
Pic by Tina Modotti

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm gonna make a mistake/ I'm gonna do it on purpose/ I'm gonna waste my time/ 'Cause I'm full as a tick/ And I'm scratching at the surface/ And what I find is mine
Fiona Apple, A Mistake

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Saturday, January 05, 2008

hopefully dammed return ticket

The sun shines only to burnish her skin and gild her hair; the wind blows only to whip up the colour in her cheeks; the sea strives to bathe her; flowers die gladly so that her skin may luxuriate in their essence. She is the crown of creation, the masterpiece. The depths of the sea are ransacked for pearl and coral to deck her; the bowels of the earth are laid open that she might wear gold, sapphires, diamonds and rubies. Baby seals are battered with staves, unborn lambs ripped from their mother's wombs, millions of moles, muskrats, squirrels, minks, ermines, foxes, beavers, chinchillas, ocelots, lynxes and other small and lovely creatures die untimely deaths that she might have furs. Egrets, ostriches and peacocks, butterflies and beetles yield her their plumage. Men risk their lives hunting leopards for her coats, and crocodiles for her handbags and shoes. Millions of silkworms offer her their yellow labours; even the seamstresses roll seams and whip lace by hand, so that she might be clad in the best that money can buy.

Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch
Pics by Julia Kissina

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Anthony walked to his death because he thought he'd never feel this way again/ If he goes back to the house then things would go from bad to worse, what could he do?/ He wants to remember things exactly as he left them on that wednesday/ And if there is something else beyond, he isnt scared because/ Its bound to be less boring than today/ Its bound to be less boring than tomorrow.

Belle & Sebastian, If You're Feeling Sinister
Art by Neumorin