Monday, June 30, 2008

No affection were the words that stuck on my mind
When she walked out on me for the very last time
Oh mamma sweet mamma can you tell me what to say
I don't know what I've done to be treated this way
In a cold dirty room that's where I found myself
With a bottle of wine and some pills off the shelf
Oh mamma sweet mamma can you tell me what to say
I don't know what I've done and I'm feeling so ashamed
Then an angel appeared she was just 17
In a dirty old town with a conscious so clean
Oh mamma sweet mamma can you tell me what to say
She's brought back the life that I once threw away

The Flying Burrito Brothers, Juanita
she's michelle rodriguez

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In polaroids you were dressed in women's clothes
Were you made ashamed, why'd you lock them in a drawer?
I don't think that I ever loved you more

Then when you turned away
When you slammed the door
When you stole the car
And drove towards Mexico
And you wrote bad checks
Just to fill your arm
I was young enough, I still believed in war

Well, let the poets cry themselves to sleep
And all their tearful words will turn back into steam

Bright Eyes, Poison Oak
pic by David Wojnarowickz

Sunday, June 08, 2008

You say my time here has been some sort of joke
That I've been messing around
Some sort of incubating period
For when I really come around
I'm cracking up
And you have no idea

No idea how it feels to be on your own
In your own home
with the fucking phone
And the mother of gloom
In your bedroom
Standing over your head
With her hand in your head
With her hand in your head

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

Oh I wish I wish I wish I was born a man
So I could learn how to stand up for myself
Like those guys with guitars
I've been watching in bars
Who've been stamping their feet to a different beat
To a different beat
To a different beat

Martha Wainwright, Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole
asia in the pic

Saturday, June 07, 2008

La imagen que más temía era aquella en la que estaba de vuelta en casa, en la que Sarah y yo vivíamos juntas, en la que ella me hacía los encargos y me masajeaba los pies, apoyados suplicantes sobre un diván de piel. Me traería tazones de caldo a la cama y me podría una toquilla sobre los hombros, me limpiaría los restos de comida de las comisuras de los labios con un trapo húmedo. Y yo comenzaría a olvidarme de ella, a gritarle, a hacerle comentarios crueles acerca de su cuerpo, de su vida amorosa, de su inteligencia.

Alice Sebold, Casi la luna

Sunday, June 01, 2008